POP ART® A successful business
Over 10 years POP ART® has established itself as one of the most creative exhibition sector in Colombia. His novel structures P.O.P. (Advertising Point of Sale), the ease of handling a portable stand in a backpack, and its many different displays, the international award creditor did The Bizz Awards.
For details of POP ART®, talk to your manager Diana Rodriguez.
¿How it beganPOP ART®?
We started as an advertising and large format printing. The day we wanted to improve the machinery (which was a plotter in a downtown warehouse), one of our vendors told us they were selling a company with two of the machines we needed and had not one but two machines they wanted . We went to see her and finally ended up doing the business not by a machine but by both the company and we sold everything we had and bought the company. During the early years continue with the same line of print, but then took a trip and saw several structures that were being used and that are complementary to our print and online, carrying banners, graphics or holder and wanted to distribute this type of product and other stage work begins with the company.
¿At what point they decided to register the mark POP ART®?
When we had three years with POP ART ® and as we watched the furniture exhibition, a competition our company a letter informing us allegó that one of the products that we had belonged to them. We went to the Superintendency of Industry and Commerce and find out. Was false what we were told they were not registered. Just wanted to put pressure somehow to not sell a product similar to yours. They were the monopoly at the time.
Following this investigation began with lawyers for this very inconvenient brand, one of the first recommendations of lawyers was that registráramos the name and some of our products have no problems re.
The first thing I checked was the brand and after checking some products in our portfolio..
¿What have been the benefits to register the mark POP ART®?
In the POP ART ® is a somewhat generic name for a current ad that was many years ago.
First has given us the advantage we have ownership of this brand. Also recall level for clients is much easier to remember the POP ART ® and after learning to say the customer is recorded. And protect us all long after positioning.
Second the POP ART ® gives the name POP material also speaks POS material, which is ultimately what we also work. The name has two connotations and that makes it not only to those who called P. O. P. POP ART ® or the recall level is very high, rest assured that we will not have problems in the future and that's why we've invested in a brand that ultimately is an asset for us.
¿What was important to record the products?
We have already recorded several references, the good thing is that you take care a bit that all work done does not reach the hands of anyone and can be shot, as the saying goes, or that somehow the same employees who begin to know the topic production, industrial secrets.
¿How managed to be nominated for the awards The Bizz Awards?
Nur strong is the fact of portable stands, which are assembled and disassembled without tools and can also be carried in a suitcase, that makes us provide companies promote themselves and lower the costs. This contribution to corporate creditors made an award in the category of Advertising Architecture.
Future plans ...
We are working very hard this year by the quality certification ISO 9001 2008, to certify in November. It has been an arduous task the issue of quality, taking into account the different areas of the company, Design, Production, Sales, etc, the issue has been exhausting, but we have also seen that we have organized the house, precisely because the processes that the Quality System has helped us manage. That's our plan immediately take aim at the whole issue of quality and sustain.